On 2014/02/12 23:22, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
In general, the names for things that are standardized should just match
the standard name, in the mozilla::dom namespace.  In some (rare) cases
the standard name starts with "DOM"; in those situations we should have
our name start with "DOM" as well.

I'd like to want some suggestions about our classes which do NOT represent DOM classes.

* nsASyncDOMEvent        (derived from nsRunnable)
* nsContentEventHandler
* nsDOMDataTransfer (?)  (derived from nsIDOMDataTransfer)
* nsDOMEventTargetHelper (derived from mozilla::dom::EventTarget)
* nsEventDispatcher
* nsEventListenerManager
* nsEventListenerService (derived from nsIEventListenerService)
* nsEventStateManager
* nsEventStates
* nsIMEStateManager
* nsJSEventListener      (derived from nsIJSEventListener)
* nsPaintRequest         (derived from nsIDOMPaintRequest)
* mozilla::TextComposition


1. All of them which don't start with "nsDOM" are in "mozilla". The others in "mozilla::dom". However, this approach needs "dom::" at some places in nsEventStateManager.h, nsEventListenerManager.h and

2. Some of them which may be used in other modules and not specific classes of represent DOM classes e.g., nsContentEventHandler, nsIMEStateManager and TextComposition are in "mozilla" (for avoiding "dom::" in header files in other modules) and not specific classes about DOM implementation.

3. Or, all of them should be in "mozilla::dom".

Any ideas?

# I like #1 because it's clear rule and non-nsDOM* classes use classes which are defined in other modules (i.e., not in mozilla::dom namespace).

Masayuki Nakano <masay...@d-toybox.com>
Manager, Internationalization, Mozilla Japan.
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