On 3/26/14, 4:53 PM, Taras Glek wrote:
*User Repos*
TLDR: I would like to make user repos read-only by April 30th. We should
archive them by May 31st.

Time  spent operating user repositories could be spent reducing our
end-to-end continuous  integration cycles. These do not seem like
mission-critical repos, seems like developers would be better off
hosting these on bitbucket or github. Using a 3rd-party host has obvious
benefits for collaboration & self-service that our existing system will
never meet.

How much time do we spend operating user repositories? I follow the repos bugzilla components and most of the requests I see have little if anything to do with user repositories. And I reckon that's because user repositories are self-service. Are user repositories more than just disk space and seldom CPU usage and page cache eviction?

We are happy to help move specific hg repos to bitbucket.

Once you have migrated your repository, please comment in
https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=988628so we can free some
disk space.

*Non-User Repos*
There  are too many non-user repos. I'm not convinced we should host
ash, oak, other project branches internally. I think we should focus on
mission-critical repos only. There should be less than a dozen of those.
I would like to stop hosting non-mission-critical repositories by end of

What about making non-user repos more self-service? (They currently require bugs for everything AFAICT.)

This is a soft target. I don't have a concrete plan here. I'd like to
start experimenting with moving project branches elsewhere and see where
that takes us.

I would *really* like the ability to trigger automation on any repo, regardless of its URL. Moving project branches elsewhere might make this happen, so +1.

*What my hg repo needs X/Y that 3rd-party services do not provide?*
If you have a good reason to use a feature not supported by
github/bitbucket, we should continue hosting your repo at Mozilla.

*Why Not Move Everything to Github/Bitbucket/etc?*
Mozilla  prefers to keep repositories public by-default. This does not
fit  Github's business model which is built around private repos.
Github's free  service does not provide any availability guarantee.
There is also a problem of github not supporting hg.

I'm not completely sure why we can't move everything to bitbucket. Some
of  it is to do with anecdotal evidence of robustness problems. Some of
it is lack of hooks (sans post-receive POSTs).Additionally, as with
Github there is no availability guarantee.

A lot of it has to do with lack of hooks. Without pre-push hooks on Bitbucket or Github, there will be footgunning. The counter argument is "just back out bad commits." But excessive backouts can be problematic (see our Firefox tree management and ask Jesse about bisecting impact).

There is also the issue with size. Remember when GitHub disabled our mirror without notice because it became too large and became a performance problem? I can only speculate what Bitbucket will do when 1000 new 1.5+ GB clones of the Firefox repo show up. Have we asked them?

In the case of Mercurial, we'll want to someday deploy Facebook's remotefilelog extension to enable "shallow" clones (drastically reducing clone time in the process - a game changer for new contributors who can't download 1+ GB of repo data). We may also want to deploy a "bundle lookaside" extension that automatically uses a bundle for initial clones. Obviously we can do these things for repos on hg.mozilla.org. But what about the "user clones" on Bitbucket? We may run into compatibility problems.

Hosting arbitrary Moz-related hg repositories does not make strategic
sense. We should do the absolute minimum(eg http://bke.ro/?p=380)
required to keep Firefox shipping smoothly and focus our efforts on
making Firefox better.

Strategic, no. Necessary because we have no better alternative, quite possibly.

If this boils down to maintaining the code behind hg.mozilla.org/git.mozilla.org, I and others have offered to help. I've volunteered to improve the self-service capabilities of user repos, for example. But, the code is in some private IT repository and it's difficult to get your hands on initially, to test, and deploy. Whatever the outcome of this proposal is, I hope that roadblock can be eliminated.
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