On 3/26/2014 9:15 PM, Taras Glek wrote:

Bobby Holley <mailto:bobbyhol...@gmail.com>
Wednesday, March 26, 2014 17:27
I don't understand what the overhead is. We don't run CI on user
repos. It's effectively just ssh:// + disk space, right? That seems
totally negligible.
Human overhead in keeping infra running could be spent making our infra
better elsewhere.

Also, project branches are pretty useful for teams working together on
large projects that aren't ready to land in m-c. We only use them when
we need them, so why would we shut them down?
I'm not suggesting killing it. My suggestion is that project branch
experience would likely be better when not hosted by mozilla. It would
still trigger our c-i systems.

Except when you consider the disposable project branches get "Level 2" commit privs needed, and that to commit to our repos you need to have signed the committer agreement, which grants some legal recompense if malice is done.

These project branches run on "non try" based machines which have elevated rights vs what try does, and can do much much more harm if there is malice here.

I for one would not be happy from a sec standpoint if we allowed bitbucket-hosted repos to execute arbitrary code this way.

~Justin Wood (Callek)

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