Jason Orendorff writes:

> If the code is truly unreachable, it doesn't matter what we replace it
> with. The question is what to do when the impossible occurs. To me,
> letting control flow past such a place is just as scary as undefined
> behavior.

That depends on the particular code.  Often enough, letting
control flow past is relatively harmless compared to a crash. 

> So I think our replacement for MOZ_ASSUME_UNREACHABLE should
> crash even in non-debug builds. This suggests MOZ_CRASH.

For many of our assertions, letting processing continue when an
assertion is not satisfied is just as scary as undefined behaviour.

I'm not aware of any reason to treat MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE
differently from MOZ_ASSERT in release builds.

Perhaps all asserts should crash by default in release builds.
But, as a crash may sometimes be worse than the consequences of a
particular assertion failure, perhaps we need to distinguish,
ok-to-continue asserts from do-not-continue asserts.

Even if we had only the do-not-continue asserts, including array
bounds checks, crash in release builds, I don't know the
performance or code size costs.  I'm guessing we'd still need some
dont-want-to-continue-but-too-expensive-to-check variant of assert.
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