On Tue, May 13, 2014 at 2:59 PM, Boris Zbarsky <bzbar...@mit.edu> wrote:

> On 5/13/14, 2:42 PM, Rik Cabanier wrote:
>> Why would that be? Are you burning more CPU resources in servo to do the
>> same thing?
> In some cases, possibly yes.
>  If so, that sounds like a problem.
> It depends on what your goals are.  Any sort of speculation, prefetch or
> prerender is burning more CPU resources to in the end do the same thing.
>  But it may provide responsiveness benefits that are worth the extra CPU
> cycles.
> Current browsers don't do those things very much in the grand schemed of
> things because they're hard to do without janking the UI.  Servo should not
> have that problem, so it may well do things like speculatively starting
> layout in the background when a script changes styles, for example, and
> throwing the speculation away if more style changes happen before the
> layout is done.

I agree that this isn't a problem. Sorry if I sounded critical.
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