
CSSOM-View defines a new css property, 'scroll-behavior'. When set to 'smooth', scrolling boxes will be scrolled in a smooth fashion using a user-agent-defined function.

Implementing this property will enable more fluid scrolling interfaces consistent with modern UI paradigms without needing to update the position manually on a frame-by-frame basis in Javascript. In much the same way as APZ's fling gestures, the fluid scrolling will take over the scroll position updates when CSSOM methods or navigation set the scroll position.

Other effects such as smooth-scroll-snapping can be built upon this property by setting the scroll position for a smooth scrolling box at the end of a dragging event. This is beneficial to applications such as the B2G home screen and image carousels.


Link to standard:

Platform coverage:

Android, Desktop, Firefox OS

This functionality is beneficial on all platforms. The implementation fits naturally within the APZ classes; however, APZ may not be available for some time outside of B2G. I would like to gauge the demand for this functionality outside of B2G to determine if it should be implemented independently of APZ and land earlier on other platforms.

Estimated or target release:


Preference behind which this will be implemented:


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