Summary: I am implementing support for @autocomplete values other than "off"/"on" for HTMLInputElement.autocomplete. This allows web developers to indicate how UAs should autocomplete/auto-fill values in the fields (if they choose to do so) so they don't have to use heuristics to guess what data is expected.
Link to standard: Platform coverage: New values/tokens will be preffed on in the future for platforms which make use of the associated values so that websites can do feature detection. Estimated or target release: The main consumer is requestAutocomplete[1] although some of the values may be used by form manager and password manager before that point. Preference behind which this will be implemented: dom.forms.autocomplete.experimental We may use additional preferences or change the name once we know which values we will initially support for requestAutocomplete and the password manager.

FYI: The various attribute values have been in the web-apps spec for over a year and Chrome is already making use of them for requestAutocomplete and, I believe, inline form auto-fill.


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