On Jun 5, 2014, at 2:28 AM, Cameron McCormack <c...@mcc.id.au> wrote:

> On 05/06/14 07:20, Milan Sreckovic wrote:
>> In general, is “this is how it worked with SVGMatrix” one of the
>> design principles?
>> I was hoping this would be the time matrix rotate() method goes to
>> radians, like the canvas rotate, and unlike SVGMatrix version that
>> takes degrees...
> By the way, in the SVG Working Group we have been discussing (but haven't 
> decided yet) whether to perform a wholesale overhaul of the SVG DOM.
> http://dev.w3.org/SVG/proposals/improving-svg-dom/
> If we go through with that, then we could drop SVGMatrix and use DOMMatrix 
> (which wouldn't then need to be compatible with SVGMatrix) for all the SVG 
> DOM methods we wanted to retain that deal with matrices. I'm hoping we'll 
> resolve whether to go ahead with this at our next meeting, in August.

The SVG WG already decided that it will replace SVGMatrix with DOMMatrix in 
Sydney 2013. And the WG already decided that DOMMatrix has to be compatible to 
SVGMatrix since there is content relying on it. SVG2 already replaced all 
existence of SVGMatrix with DOMMatrix/DOMMatrixReadOnly.

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