On 6/18/14 12:20 PM, Ben Francis wrote:
On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 6:59 PM, James Burke <jbu...@mozilla.com <mailto:jbu...@mozilla.com>> wrote:

    So, I think we just need to set the expectation for at least
    another year or two, that the gaia set of apps will not be able to
    be "privileged", because we need them as early beta testers for
    features and capabilities we are building out for the mobile web

We said that a year or two ago. There will always be new features to test, and with a current total of 34 apps in the gaia/apps directory we have no shortage of certified apps to test them out with. The risk of inadvertently building another proprietary app platform that isn't the web and of crippling the pace of Firefox OS updates because we're forcing 34 apps through an arduous certification process they don't need (a mistake Android already made for us) seems greater than the risk of taking the brave step of making some Gaia apps a step closer to being web apps.

The longer that each Gaia app is not a web app, the less credible our mantra of "the web is the platform" becomes. If we can't figure out how to build our own apps using the web, how can we can expect third party app developers to do so?

Maybe we haven't yet figured out all the details of how to put the Email app in the Firefox Marketplace, let alone how to make it run cross-platform, but if we resign ourselves to the idea that all Gaia apps are going to have to be certified for the foreseeable future then we're not doing our mission justice IMHO.

It is a matter of degree: at least with Gaia apps we get the use of web tech in the construction, just not the network delivery and addressability, and by proving out the web APIs in Gaia first, we ensure a better dev experience with those APIs later for all.

That is how I would frame the larger picture, in the effort of cooperation and moving forward.

For me personally, I would absolutely not put a performance fix that is only available for certified apps. See the use of the cookie cache in email: it is ugly, but it is standard. Sometimes we need to do the uglier things or have less ideal dev experience in the interests of working on the common platform, file bugs for the platform, then switch to something better when it is properly sorted out, available to all apps. For email's cookie cache, I'm hopeful the proper answer will be Service Workers.

But, I am not working on that platform code affected by the icon font request, so it is easier for me to be harder philosophically in that case. I would endorse that harder line though for performance changes tied to "certified".

New features only in certified apps is a harder one to sort out. I personally want to avoid features that are only available to certified apps in email. However, since email depends on /shared, some of that choice is out of email's control.

Maybe instead of using "certified" as the marker, we use app signing instead, with a list of signatures that are allowed getting pushed as part of device flashing, and a dev experience that overrides that, so that we do not have to sign for our local dev-debug-deploy cycles.


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