On 6/19/2014 10:00 PM, Masayuki Nakano wrote:
I'm looking for guidelines for naming preferences. However, I've never found it yet. I guess that there is no guidelines.

That is correct. The current rule is to use common sense and coordinate with the module owner.

If the pref will be exposed in the UI preferences, you should also coordinate with UX design to make sure that we can express the preference in the UI in a useful way.

When I work on some bugs, I need to add a new option for a pref switchable behavior, e.g., if we need to add a new option to a feature and the new one isn't enabled in default settings, it's better to add new pref for the additional option in some cases.

Here are the reasons we should be adding prefs:

A. We actually want to expose the option in the preference UI (needs UX review) B. To enable release drivers to turn it off easily if there is a problem found C. a feature is experimental and we want to limit it to certain channels while it is stabilized D. To enable other internal usage: e.g. A/B testing via telemetry experiments

I believe that we should not be adding hidden prefs just because a small minority of people might want a feature, but we've decided not to expose it in the browser preferences. Those kinds of choices should be made by installing Firefox extensions. In particular, using an extension instead of a hidden pref setting means that we will see the non-default choice in various metrics like about:support, telemetry/FHR, and that Firefox safe mode reverts the setting in case of problems.

In any case, this probably doesn't have much to do with naming ;-)

I think that a pref which enables/disables a feature should end with |.enabled|. Then, above example becomes:

> |foo.a_feature_name.enabled|
> |foo.a_feature_name.disabled_on_some_environments|
If it's a boolean feature, I think the common pattern is to used foo.feature.enabled. e.g. app.update.enabled or dom.ipc.plugins.enabled.

This sounds reasonable to document.

The can be defined by a formula:


The <state> shouldn't be omitted.
I think this rule is too general. Let's stick with the "enabled" rule for now.

And also, <sub-group> should be used as far as possible.

Why? Flat names seem quite reasonable.

nsXPLookAndFeel observes every pref. For doing that, it observes *all* prefs under |ui.|. http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/widget/xpwidgets/nsXPLookAndFeel.cpp#430

And the observer uses 3 loops for retrieving the pref cache from the arrays. http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/widget/xpwidgets/nsXPLookAndFeel.cpp#388

If somebody changes a pref under |ui.| at runtime, every change causes running this expensive method.

How expensive? Pref changes at runtime are in quite unusual after startup, and I don't think we should necessarily optimize for this case.

On the other hand, I do think it makes sense to consider the implementation when defining a pref namespace: if you're observing an overly broad branch and there's an easy way to design that away, that sounds reasonable.

For example, some metrics/colors which can be retrieved with LookAndFeel class can be override by hidden prefs. The most hidden prefs are named as |ui.<metricsName>| or |ui.<colorName>|. http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/widget/xpwidgets/nsXPLookAndFeel.cpp#26 # Anyway, if it's allowed, we should rename the pref names referred from nxXPLookAndFeel even though customized users will need to set them again.

Do we need this code at all? This sounds like the kind of code that would be better to remove entirely.


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