On Wed, Jul 02, 2014 at 01:41:54PM +0200, David Rajchenbach-Teller wrote:
> The main usecase is an editor that needs to 1/ reload resources when
> they have been modified by an outside application; 2/ see when resources
> are added or removed.
> In other words, watching a directory (recursively) for add/remove/modify
> changes to files.
> Which library do you suggest?

I don't know what the windows and osx file monitoring APIs offer. If
they have the same kind of drawbacks as inotify for recursive directory
monitoring, then it's probably fine to go with inotify, in which case
glib is the best choice, as we already depend on it.

Otherwise, I'd go with a little shim around the fanotify system calls.
There is fanotify support since glibc 2.13, but I'm not sure that's old
enough for all the systems we support. (our current glibc dependency is
on a version >= 2.7, fwiw)

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