On Sun, Sep 28, 2014 at 3:08 PM, Karl Dubost <kdub...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> Imagine if I home developing my own little Web app on my computer, I need to 
> get through the hops of deploying TLS.

For testing purposes you can get by without TLS just fine. As far as I
know the definition of authenticated origin includes localhost.

> Asking everyone to adopt TLS is a bit like asking everyone to switch to XML.

Not really. XML requires redesigning your entire application from the
ground up. Adding TLS is a little bit of configuration. Completely
different ballpark.

> It doesn't visibly and directly improve the life of people. In the big scheme 
> of things, it gives an additional layer of security on their communications, 
> but not privacy.

It gives privacy from passive and active network attackers, no?

> Even more so, telling to people that they have more privacy because the 
> communication is secure end-to-end is deeply misleading. Secured geolocations 
> end-to-end to an aggregator such as FourSquare, Google, Facebook, etc. 
> doesn't change anything about your privacy.

That's a question of trust, not one of privacy.

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