Here is my writeup of the security issues with this from a while ago:

As MT says, we already are shipping screen sharing in FF 33. It's
currently whitelisted, but otherwise it's fairly complete.


On Fri, Oct 24, 2014 at 1:08 AM, Jonas Sicking <> wrote:

> On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 2:10 PM, Jet Villegas <> wrote:
> > Kicking off this thread to get a discussion on:
> >
> > 1. Web-facing or not?
> I think we have to make it web facing. If we want the web to be
> competitive with other platforms, which I hope we do, we have to
> expose this functionality.
> However it definitely has a lot of
> > 2. Security/Privacy concerns
> so we'd have to be careful with how we do it. For example always
> showing an on-screen indicator indicating that the screen is currently
> shared. And reminding the user that password etc can be read by the
> remote party.
> And forcing the user to explicitly choose the option rather than just
> clicking a "yes" button (aka 'whatever button') might be a good idea.
> It would also be cool to enable sharing just a particular app, or a
> particular browser tab. This is a problem that I see in native apps
> often. At some video conference someone wants to share a slideshow,
> but they end up showing their mail inbox or other open documents that
> happen to be on screen at the same time.
> In fact, we could display a list of running apps/tabs and then add an
> entry for "full screen". Then force the user to actively choose one of
> the options in the list before clicking a "share <appname>" button.
> / Jonas
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