Not yet, you still need to run the two suites separately. But we are working towards that. Eventually ./mach test will be able to not only run tags across suites, but run directories across suites and auto-determine which suite a test path belongs to. In other words, ./mach test will become the norm, and running a specific test harness directly will become the edge case. There is some work around this specifically slotted in our Q2 goals.


On 31/03/15 12:52 PM, Nick Fitzgerald wrote:
On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 9:30 AM, Andrew Halberstadt <> wrote:

​For example, we may implement a way to run all tests with a given tag
across multiple different suites.

​Does this mean that I can't do `./mach​ test --tag foobar` to run both
xpcshell and mochitests tagged with foobar yet? Do I have to do `./mach
xpcshell-test --tag foobar` and `./mach mochitest-whatever --tag foobar`

Anyways, this looks like a very cool capability. Looking forward to using

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