On 2015-05-01 3:40 PM, Eric Shepherd wrote:
In my case, the situation is that I have classic computers running 1-10 megahertz processors, for which encrypting and decrypting SSL is not a plausible option. These computers have a burgeoning "retro" fanbase trying to push them to do new and interesting things, and a lot of that involves writing software that works over the Web using standard protocols. These efforts cannot be sustained in an HTTPS-only world.

Nobody right in the head is going to be plugging an antique with a 1mhz processor directly into an unfiltered, internet-facing network connection, but I guess people who aren't right in the head like that are still people whose concerns deserve consideration.

Hobbyists in that situation will certainly be able to - and someday need, but for now "deprecate" isn't "disable" and it's just "be able to" - put RasPi and an ethernet dongle between their 1mhz steam-powered contraptions and the rest of modernity with an http->https proxy on it, and everything will continue to work for them. As well as it did before, at least.

It's pretty easy - though I concede not free - to stand up proxies for those rare cases that absolutely cannot deliver encrypted connections. That those cases exist should not weigh heavily in this discussion, in my opinion.

- mhoye
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