воскресенье, 3 мая 2015 г., 5:39:55 UTC+3 пользователь Xidorn Quan написал:
> This has been happening in the Internet in China. I would suggest you use
> "360 Secure Browser", one of the major browsers in China. They completely
> consider the experience of developers and users. Their browser allows user
> to access a website even if the website provides a broken certificate :)
> - Xidorn

In usual situation, "allows user to access a website even if the website 
providers a broken certificate" is OK. The truth is, that usually that happens 
by mistake of webmaster, not when someone tries to hack you. However what 
Chrome & Firefox do is better i think, give user a choice.

Basically, to shorte my message - If Mozilla will deprecate HTTP, we will 
deprecate Mozilla.
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