On 04/06/2015 12:34 , Benjamin Francis wrote:
On 4 June 2015 at 03:27, Michael[tm] Smith <m...@w3.org> wrote
As came up in some off-list discussion with Anne, is the “Manifest for a
web application” spec at https://w3c.github.io/manifest/ not relevant
(Nothing to reverse engineer, since it has an actual spec—with defined
processing requirements—and at least one other browser-engine project is
also contributing to it and implementing it.)

Yes, we already support W3C web app manfiests in our prototype, and it's a
key part of the implementation.

A manifest provides metadata for a website as a whole, whereas Linked Data
provides metadata to a particular web page.

When you pin a whole site we use the manifest (and fall back to other
metadata when not available), and when you pin a page we use Linked Data
(and fall back to other metadata when not available).

Pinning based on Linked Data also makes a lot of sense because it's already massively deployed (to millions of domains), whereas manifest isn't.

To reinforce Benjamin's point imagine a flight booking site. The manifest would get you to pin the site as an app with which you could book flights in the future; LD would allow you to pin a ticket you've bought in such a way that it displays just the essential time/location information you want to see at a glance. The use cases are totally different.

Robin Berjon - http://berjon.com/ - @robinberjon
dev-platform mailing list

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