On Tue, Jul 7, 2015 at 5:13 PM, Jeff Gilbert <jgilb...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> MSVC 2013 (which I believe is our main windows compiler right now) will
> error during compilation if such a shadowing issue arises. Thus, if the
> code compiles there, `aFoo`->`foo` is safe. I would be very surprised if
> GCC or Clang didn't have an equivalent option.

They do, and dbaron mentioned them earlier. They're currently not on
because there are quite a lot of warnings because there is quite a lot
of shadowing occurring. (I have some experience with this thanks to
bug 800659.) So I'm surprised by your claim that this is a non-issue.

> It can be a burden on the hundreds of devs who have to read and understand
> the code in order to write more code. With the exception of a couple
> people, review is not the bottleneck. The opinions of a few over-harried
> reviewers should not hold undue sway over the many many devs writing code.

Reviewing code and reading code aren't that different, so let's not
get hung up on the differences there.

Some people like the aFoo style and find that it helps readability.
It's largely a matter of personal taste; you can't just dismiss these
people as being wrong.

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