On 2016-02-26 8:15 AM, Benjamin Francis wrote:
> On 25 February 2016 at 23:08, Ehsan Akhgari <ehsan.akhg...@gmail.com
> <mailto:ehsan.akhg...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     They're orthogonal in that <iframe mozbrowser> can load something within
>     an "app context", or not, depending on whether you use a mozapp
>     attribute.  Bug 1238160 makes it so that you can use the non-app variant
>     on desktop.
> I really meant the API being gated on mozApps permissions and having
> mozApp specific features like events for manifests and web activities,
> not the separate mozApp attribute, but those things can certainly be
> changed.

OK.  Then it seems much easier to remove the mozApps specific goo from
this code rather than doing a <webview> implementation from scratch.  I
still don't see much value in that.

>     The Electron compatibility aside, this seems to me like replacing one
>     proprietary API for another one.  The vendor prefix doesn't hurt us in
>     this case since this API is completely invisible to the Web.
> Electron compatibility would be neat, but isn't really what I'm asking
> for. As you say, this isn't exposed to the web and doesn't necessarily
> have to follow a standard.


>     So I think it's better to separate out the different things you're
>     asking for here.  It seems to me that if we decide that Electron
>     compatibility is desirable, we should implement the webview API, but if
>     we decide that's not valuable, there is little value in implementing
>     webview.
> I mainly propose the change of syntax because this transition period
> seems like an opportunity to make a clean break, get rid of the vendor
> prefixes and define a long term, explicitly separate to standard HTML,
> chrome-only solution with a cleaner API and without having to worry
> about backwards compatibility because the mozBrowser API could exist in
> parallel until we phase it out.

I don't think just because we can make a "clean break" now, we should.
The time spent here can also be spent on more useful projects.  As I
explained before, the vendor prefixes don't hurt us in any way here.
Other than that, what's the actual incentive to work on <webview>?

> But I think a more important piece than webview is the ability to
> execute a Gecko-based user agent with HTML-based chrome without having
> to run it on top of the Firefox binary. If we no longer have XULRunner,
> if mozApps is phased out and B2G loses platform support we're really
> running out of options for how to use Gecko for non-Firefox projects. At
> what point does the platform stop being a platform and just becomes
> Firefox? How are we promoting innovation if we're effectively forcing
> alternative user agents to use WebKit? Unless there is another existing
> solution I'm missing?

Without intending to start a shadow discussion on top of what's already
happening on the internal list (sadly), to answer your technical
question, the "platform"/Firefox point is a false dichotomy.  As an
example, you can create a new application target similar to browser,
b2g/dev or mobile/android, select that using --enable-application, and
start to hack away.  That should make it possible to create a
non-Firefox project on top of Gecko.  You can use an HTML file for
browser.startup.homepage, and you can use <iframe mozbrowser> if you
need to load Web content.  So it's definitely possible to achieve what
you want as things stand today.

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