On 4/30/16 1:26 PM, L. David Baron wrote:

So I think we should take option a': Drop XP and Snow Leopard support
on trunk and push ESR builds to the non-ESR update channel on XP and
Snow Leopard through the life of 45 ESR.

I think enough of our users are on Windows XP that decisions about
dropping Windows XP are not a purely engineering decision.  (Do we
still have more Windows XP users than we have on all non-Windows
platforms combined?)  Pushing those users to ESR without buy-in from
all parts of the organization will likely lead to worse engineering
problems than having to support XP (e.g., having to support 45ESR
substantially longer).

I know you and Henri know this, but because I've seen it come up in a number of other places...

Moving XP users to ESR is not, by itself, a solution. All moving users to ESR does is allow them to keep running a supported Firefox for a little bit longer than immediately dropping it. (Equivalently, it allows the dropping XP support in the code a bit earlier than the final EOL date in Firefox.)

Once an EOL decision on XP has been reached, we may (or may not!) opt to coordinate that with an ESR release. I'd note that we didn't do that with the recent OSX 10.6-10.8 desupport, and ISTR having not done that for some other platform in the past because it means maintaining build&test infrastructure for an extended period.

In other words, these are details of what to do with XP users after a product decision has been made to actually end support.

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