On Jun 23, 2016 1:33 AM, "Andrew McCreight" <amccrei...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 22, 2016 at 1:05 PM, Henri Sivonen <hsivo...@hsivonen.fi>
> > Now that I'm looking at the hand-written notes that I made in the
> > meeting, I notice that the above paragraph fails to say how the
> > AddRef, Release and associated cycle collection-related calls are
> > routed from C++ to Rust or from Rust to C++. There was some talk about
> > vtable hacks, but my recollection is that those got rejected along
> > with XPCOM. So as far as I can tell, we are left with the meeting not
> > concluding how exactly these calls across the language boundary.
> >
> C++ CCed objects don't even all use COM. Maybe the existing
> CC infrastructure could be used for Rust objects. If that doesn't work,
> adding explicit support for Rust objects to the CC, like we have for JS,
> doesn't seem like it would be too difficult. The CC used to nominally
> support arbitrary languages.

Non-nsISupports cycle-collected objects were brought up as what we should
do in a way that avoids XPCOM. AFAICT, in this case, the methods need not
be virtual, so if we wanted to use a vtable-based solution for
cross-language calls, we'd need to make stuff virtual because of the
cross-language call mechanism.

In the absence of cross-language inlining (LLVM on both sides), which I'm
told is not about to happen on Windows, the trickery with "this" to make
FFI look C++ish to the C++ caller should inline into a plain function call,
which should be preferable to a virtual call. (If we ever get
cross-language inlining with clang and rustc, the inlining opportunity
would be even better.)
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