Gregory Szorc wrote on 06/28/2016 08:44 PM:
> As of a few minutes ago, when you land commits from MozReview they will be
> pushed to instead of
> For now, think of integration/autoland as just another mozilla-inbound or
> fx-team. In fact, the sheriffs will be treating the autoland repo just like
> they treat inbound and fx-team. But that will change in the weeks ahead.

I'm just curious when autoland will actually be merged to
mozilla-central the first time. Given that we have this repository for a
while now, and sheriffs merged mozilla-central into it a couple of
times, I do not see any single merge of autoland to mozilla-central yet.
It's blocking some of my patches to reach Nightly builds. So for me the
current situation is not satisfying.

Can you please clarify the merge strategy?

> *Please do not pull from the autoland repo.* If you do, future changes that
> will introduce divergent commits/DAG heads will make your life painful.

This gives problems if you have patches for different bugs but which
have overlapping code blocks. This requires you to keep already landed
commits around until code found its way to mozilla-central and
mozilla-inbound. Given that this can take up to a day or more I don't
feel satisfied right now in using autoland for my mozreview patches.

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