As proposed earlier on the dev-platform list [1], I made the Battery Status API chrome-only in Firefox Nightly 52 (bug 1313580 [2]). The battery code and tests remain, available to Gecko code and Firefox add-ons.

There should be little risk of web compat regressions. The battery API was never implemented by IE, Edge, or Safari, so web content should already be feature-detecting the API. Also, I know of no non-trivial websites using the API for anything other than fingerprinting users in the four years since Firefox introduced the API in 2012 (Firefox 10 [3]). Chrome added support in 2014.

We always have the option to make the API available to web content again if a website or app demonstrates an interesting use case using Chrome's battery API. However, I feel the supposed use cases for the battery API would be better served by something like a lifecycle event API that includes low battery/memory warnings. That would expose less identifying information and allow the user and UA to customize the lifecycle settings.

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