Hi everyone,

As part of the Quantum DOM project, we're going to be "labeling" all
runnables in the browser to say which document they're operating on.
Labeling will allow us to prioritize some documents over other documents as
well as running different documents concurrently. An API for labeling has
landed in bugs 1305926 and 1320753. Some initial work to label common
runnables is ongoing in bug 1318506.

The only way we can feasibly finish this project is to get help from
everyone working on Gecko. Most runnables are pretty easy to label if you
understand what the code is doing. And if you don't already understand the
code, it's a great way to learn :-).

We have a wiki page that describes the details of labeling:
You can find examples of labeling in bug 1318506.

If you need more help understanding what's going on, you can contact me
(:billm), Ehsan (:ehsan), Olli (:smaug), or Ben Kelly (:bkelly). We're
going to have a session on Quantum DOM at the Hawaii work week.

I'll send out another email about this after Hawaii with more information
on logistics. If you want to get started before that, please make sure to
file a bug on what you're doing before you start. That should avoid
duplicating work.

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