On 3/2/17 1:52 PM, kearw...@kearwood.com wrote:
I tend to agree with Brandon on this particular issue

That's fine. I agree with you and Brandon too. ;) I'm just worried about possible interop problems more than anything else at the moment.

Would this issue block release of WebVR in Firefox 54?

To some extent this is a call people more familiar with how this API gets used and what interop issues can arise should make.

Note that per https://github.com/w3c/webvr/issues/128#issuecomment-283854007 the behavior of getFrameData is not interoperable between Edge and Firefox: we create new objects hanging off the VRFrameData each time, while they mutate all the existing stuff in-place. This can lead to bugs like code that tries to optimize by grabbing a reference to one of the typed arrays and then calling getFrameData and assuming the array they are referencing is updated (if they test in Edge). Or not updated and represents the previous frame (if they test in Firefox)...

Again, I only spent a few minutes looking at this spec. What would be most helpful here is if someone went through it carefully looking for underpecified bits like this, then filed issues as needed and checked what browsers actually do in the underspecified cases. Then we can decide whether whatever behavior differences we find are sufficient that there is high interop risk from shipping.

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