On 10/07/2017 12:29, Nicholas Nethercote wrote:
> Hi,
> What are the obstacles? Here are some that I've heard.
> [...] 
> Anything else?

In the past year I wrote two tools (minidump-analyzer and pingsender)
that ship with Firefox but are separate executables so both were good
candidates for being written in Rust in the first place. I implemented
both in C++ because of different issues:

- The minidump-analyzer relies on Google Breakpad machinery that is
currently C++. It's being rewritten in Rust but it's not there yet and
since we needed it to quickly get more crash information going the Rust
route would have simply taken too long. It is a good candidate for being
rewritten in Rust in the coming 12 months though.

- The pingsender talks to our telemetry infrastructure so needs
HTTP/HTTPS functionality but without linking with libxul. In this case
if I had a crate that offered HTTP functionality I would have gone
straight to Rust but alas it wasn't there. So instead it's a blob of
platform-specific C++ that dlopen()s libcurl on Mac and Linux and relies
on WININET on Windows.


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