Myk Melez <>
2017 September 26 at 17:40
Kartikaya Gupta <>
2017 September 26 at 08:49
So from the discussion here it sounds like using a full (i.e.
non-grafted) cinnabar repository "just works" for most people. It has
the problem of missing CVS history but it seems like people who need
that often can use searchfox and/or a gecko-dev branch in a cinnabar
repo to get it.
Yes, and can we also integrate CVS history into a full cinnabar repository like mozilla/gecko using Git's "replace" command.
I've now done this for mozilla/gecko, so if you clone/fetch that repo, then you'll get both a "central" branch and a "cvs" branch.

The "central" branch contains mozilla-central history, and I continue to sync it with upstream mozilla-central using cinnabar. The "cvs" branch contains the CVS history.

To integrate them (without modifying either history), fetch replacement refs:

git fetch origin 'refs/replace/*:refs/replace/*'

(Replace "origin" with the name of your mozilla/gecko remote, if it differs.)

Then common Git commands (diff, log, bisect, etc.) will behave as if the oldest commit in "central" (e18f9a3) is the newest commit in "cvs" (3ec464b), and you can use them to traverse the entire history of Gecko transparently.

I've also updated to include this information.


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