And fresh reports too from today:

Linux Mitn (may be without addons too): https://crash-stats.mozilla.
Ubuntu - during i am writting this email (!):
Ubuntu - other today CPU eating:

I hope it wll help to you to catch anoying bug...

2017-11-22 0:19 GMT+01:00 Alexey Zvyagin <>:

> Hello All,
> Today i had set up new computer (Linux Mint)
> Before finish i set up a syncing. But before i catch permanent CPU eating
> in new Firefox i saw that there no addons. Only bookmarked were synced.
> After restarting and posting crash report i checked Firefox - there were
> not addons yet. So i think it's crash report as in Safe mode.
> So i think this trouble without addons, only during syncing.
> Crash report (Linux Mint 18.02 64bit, without addons). During crash i
> pressed Bookmrk about previous crash and had beed filling tags of
> bookmark...
> 4101-ad3f-3e36d1171121
> P.S. When i have been writting this email my Firefox hanged up agian
> (Ubuntu)
> Crash report:
> 454c-ba8b-22a381171121
> 2017-11-21 21:32 GMT+01:00 Kris Maglione <>:
>> On Tue, Nov 21, 2017 at 02:22:26PM -0500, Ted Mielczarek wrote:
>>> On Tue, Nov 21, 2017, at 06:54 AM, Alexey Zvyagin wrote:
>>>> Hi!
>>>> I made some crashes by hands (crashfirefox.exe) in Windows 7 and in Unix
>>>> through kill -ABRT
>>>> What are the symptoms? In random moments the Firefox v56.* has only-one
>>>> core CPU 100% eating. In Windows 7 (64bit) & Linux (Ubuntu 16.04 LTE
>>>> 64bit)
>>>> Reports are here:
>>>> Ubuntu OS:
>>>> 82e-b033-c91be1171101
>>>> c8b-87e8-3c2471171101
>>>> 495-a05f-5d6d21171110
>>>> 0f7-8f0c-8a7261171110
>>>> 86f-bbd3-0b7791171110
>>>> 440-97e5-059d21171110
>>>> Windows 7:
>>>> 3b1-98f2-128251171113#allthreads
>>> Hi Alexey,
>>> These crashes all seem to be stuck in sqlite code querying the places
>>> database that contains browsing history. In the Windows crash, you can
>>> see that thread 0 is waiting on a sqlite mutex for the database, and
>>> thread 44 is in the middle of running some sort of sqlite query, so
>>> presumably it's holding the mutex.
>> These are actually all bookmark queries, and unfortunately, main-thread,
>> blocking bookmark queries, at that.
>> My best guess would also be an extension, but WebExtensions at least
>> should not be hitting these code paths.
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