Hi Jonathan,

On Thu, Nov 30, 2017 at 9:23 PM, Jonathan Kingston <j...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> *Thoughts*
> We should ensure ARIA provides clear justification for any other roles that
> already have HTML representation.
> I'm pretty sceptical of ARIA helping Accessibility. I think there is more
> impact when assistive and non-assistive improvements work together like
> <dialog>.
I definitely agree with the impact part. But as long as web developers are
able to build a dialog out of divs and spans, at least there is a way to
give that jumble a role. The use of ARIA should be a smell* yes, but it has
been essential to making what exists out there accessible.

* the problem is either: the web dev has reinvented something that would
have hasd baked-in accessibility had they followed best practice instead,
Or, best practice doesn't yet cover what web apps want or need to do...
(related, see rules here https://www.w3.org/TR/using-aria/#rule1)

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