On Thu, Jan 11, 2018 at 3:39 PM, Chris Van Wiemeersch <c...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> Anne and Martin, can you think of changes to request for the Sensor API that
> we would resolve or reasonably improve the existing fingerprinting concerns?

In general, we can't improve the situation by adding more
functionality.  That's just physics.

The API will necessarily degrade fingerprinting for every sensor we
decide to support.

Let's say that we add the ability to get access to a humidity sensor.
Even making it possible to learn that the capability exists will allow
sites to divide users into two groups: those with a humidity sensor
and those with out.

I'm not saying that we shouldn't make these capabilities available.
There can be reasons that outweigh the costs (for instance, I think
that we generally agree that VR is a use case that justifies some
increase in fingerprinting exposure), but we should consider each
capability individually and provide justification and mitigations.  If
we can find that justification and adequate mitigations, we might then
conclude that this is a net gain for the people who trust us enough to
install Firefox.
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