(My apologies for not sending an Intent to Unship in advance.)

In bug 1418403, the (disabled by default) ability to have View Source open
in its traditional separate window was removed. Instead, View Source now
always opens in new browser tab.

Telemetry was collected[1] back in 2015 to see who was choosing to revert
to the window mode. This showed that 0.62% of View Source uses went to the
window mode. (There has never being any UI to choose, so you would have to
have known about the pref to revert to window mode.)

In recent weeks, the View Source window became a blocker of the work to
remove XBL, as it used several bindings. Given this information in
combination with the low usage, we felt it was time to remove the View
Source window.

If the separate View Source window was important to you, there are several
options available. The View Source in external editor mode is one
alternative (see prefs view_source.editor.*) that works today. Bug 1444133
has also been filed to offer the newer tab-based UI but opened in a
separate browser window instead of a tab in the same window.

If the above workarounds are important to you or if you believe something
else is needed, please let me know here or elsewhere so that it can be

[1]: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1203624#c11

J. Ryan Stinnett
dev-platform mailing list

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