Also sprach Xidorn Quan:

> Should we have some kind of policy to address duplicate dependencies
> in Gecko as well? Maybe I'm missing something but I don't think I'm
> aware of any previous discussion about this.

Deduplicating crate dependencies has so far been a mostly heroic
undertaking done by individuals such as eijebong, so having a policy
built in to "./mach vendor rust" that prevents duplication is
probably a good idea!

However, I want to talk a little bit about _why_ we see so many
duplicate crates and what causes it.  It is my experience that far
too many dependencies are defined on exact version numbers, e.g.
"log = 0.3.9", which effectively forces us to vendor that exact
version in-tree.

In some cases we see this reproduce throughout a crate’s dependency
chain, where different crates depend on minutely different versions
of crate D (v0.4.0, v0.3.9, v0.3.7) causing us to have to vendor
and compile all of them, even as part of a single build:

  |-- B v1.2.0
  |   |-- C v2.0.1
  |       |-- D v0.4.0
  |-- C v2.0.0
  |   |-- D v0.3.9
  |-- E v0.2
  |   |-- D v0.3.7

As kats points out, unravelling this spider web is not trivial.
You often run into cases where some crate depends on a particular
version of something, but you can’t upgrade that because something
else depends on a too specific version, and you can’t upgrade that
again because it would cause an API change or behaviour change that
requires specialist peer review in an unrelated component.

In conclusion, my plead to Rust crate maintainers is to be generous
with what version range you tolerate for dependencies.  As most
crates respect semantic versioning you can be somewhat confident
that relying on v1.2 rather than v1.2.1 will keep your program
working when v1.2.2 is released.

The most common argument I hear against tolerating a wider dependency
range for dependencies is “reproducible builds”.  Well, for binaries
it is recommended you check in the Cargo.lock file, and for Gecko
we do that for all components, including libraries.  We additionally
vendor the source code, allowing us to do hermetically sealed builds.

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