Just as a PSA, I did a bunch of work a while ago to align better with other UAs, and the Gecko-specific values are gone as a result of that work.

The CSSWG resolved in our behavior regarding `auto` in:


So I plan to land the changes in 69 now that the soft-freeze is over.

 -- Emilio

On 11/11/2018 18:57, Emilio Cobos Álvarez wrote:
Summary: Unprefix the -moz-user-select property, so that it works without the -moz- prefix.

We happen to be supporting the -webkit- prefixed version of the property, but other browsers support it also unprefixed, which causes a lot of confusion.

As part of this work I'm also unshipping the following values from content (or entirely, if they have no internal usage):

 * -moz-all: Was meant to behave as an alias of `all`, but in practice that's not true. Plus all external usage I found was followed by a -webkit-user-select: all which would override it.

 * -moz-text: It's an internal value which was introduced in bug 1181130. It's only used from contenteditable.css and I haven't investigated removing it completely, but I'm restricting it to user-agent stylesheets. I found no relevant external usage.

 * tri-state, element, elements, toggle: We parse these but do nothing with them (lol, I know, right?). They're no longer in the spec so should be removed.

We also have a non-standard '-moz-none' alias to 'none' which I haven't investigated removing yet, but probably should in a followup to this bug.

Bug: 1492958 for the removal of non-standard values, 1492739 for the unprefixing.

Link to standard: https://drafts.csswg.org/css-ui-4/#propdef-user-select

Platform coverage: All

Estimated or target release: FF65

Preference behind which this will be implemented: None

Is this feature enabled by default in sandboxed iframes? Yes

DevTools bug: N/A

Do other browser engines implement this?

This is an interesting question. The current status is:

 * Blink supports user-select unprefixed and -webkit- prefixed, with the same values we'd support after this bug (except our non-standard -moz-none alias).

 * Edge supports the -ms- prefixed version of the property, and the -webkit- prefixed version. Edge is the only engine to support the 'contain' value.

  * WebKit only supports the -webkit- prefixed version.

So all browsers support as of today the -webkit- prefixed version of the property, which is a fun state of affairs, with a slightly different set of values.

I think we should try to unprefix sooner than later so this doesn't end up being something similar to '-webkit-apperance'. Given Chrome supports the same thing as us unprefixed, I think it's reasonable to do this.

web-platform-tests: Test coverage for all the values is pre-existing. There's unfortunately little coverage in WPT, but a lot in our selection and contenteditable tests.

Is this feature restricted to secure contexts? No, as this is merely unprefixing an existing property.


  -- Emilio
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