Most of the deltas range from editorial to general good hygiene. The only changes of any real consequence that I see are:

 * Updating their previous work to new versions
 * Charter item to work on a profile of TTML2 to support audio-only use
 * Catch-all clause at the bottom of ยง2.1 that grants the WG carte
   blanche to work on any random thing they want

Having little background in this technology, I'm pretty ambivalent about the first two changes. I think we should object to the third change: charters serve both the guide work and limit scope, and this clause removes all scope limitations.


On 8/28/19 5:41 PM, L. David Baron wrote:
The W3C is proposing a revised charter for:

   Timed Text (TT) Working Group

The comparison to the group's previous charter is:

Mozilla has the opportunity to send comments or objections through
Tuesday, September 10.

Please reply to this thread if you think there's something we should
say as part of this charter review, or if you think we should
support or oppose it.


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