On 09/01/2020 10:46, David Burns wrote:
I think a lot of the problem is not necessarily a technical issue, meaning I am not sure that tooling will solve the problem, but it is more of a social problem.

To exapnd a little on this; we've had various attempts at making disabled tests more visible. ahal had "Test Informant" which for a while was giving weekly reports on how many tests were being newly disabled and links to full details on all disabled tests. For wpt the interop dashboard currently shows the number of disabled tests per component (e.g. [1]). So far I don't think we've seen great success from any of these efforts; I don't have precise data but the general pattern is that almost all tests that are disabled remain disabled indefinitely.

Adding data to searchfox is an interesting alternative that I hadn't previously considered; it would make the data ambiently available to people looking at the tests/code rather than requiring specific action to look at a dashboard or read a recurring email. So it definitely seems like it could be worth experimenting with that. But as David says, a lot of the problem is in the disconnect between knowing that an issue exists and giving priority to actually fixing the issue.

[1] https://jgraham.github.io/wptdash/?tab=Gecko+Data&bugComponent=core%3A%3Adom%3A+core+%26+html
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