Does Mozilla have a stated plan to include CT in its products? 

The issues Ben lists sound like reasonable concerns but it seems this is 
putting the cart before the horse. The linchpin of CT is being able to tur‎n on 
hard-fail when the SCT is missing or doesn't agree with the logs--or whatever 
the case may be.

I promise you that CT hard-fail ‎will never happen because it requires CA's to 
be competent (some of whom genuinely are) or end entity cert holders to be 
interested (some of whom genuinely are) or both. It's just not the reality when 
you have a massive and complicated website deployment that people can or will 
be interested. There are too many moving pieces as it is.
Should Chrome activate hard-fail you will start to hear people say, "that site 
doesn't work on Chrome for some reason, just use Firefox or Safari or IE".

  Original Message  
From: Ryan Sleevi
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2014 7:05 PM
Reply To:
Subject: Chromium, EV, and CT

I just wanted to alert members of this list of a discussion that has been
started on Chromium's ct-policy@ mailing list regarding Chromium's
policies for requiring EV certificates be logged in Certificate
Transparency Logs.

Ben Laurie has started a discussion at
about whether or not CAs should be permitted to redact domain names when
logging certificates. As you can see from Ben's analysis of the Baseline
Requirements and EV Guidelines, this may affect the ability of the public
to ensure that CA's are conforming to the EV Guidelines, and thus rely on
audits to ensure this.

We welcome feedback from all parties, and are particularly interested to
hear from those who would like to use the CT logs to better ensure
compliance with Mozilla's policies and the competency of auditors, two
very relevant discussions happening here. As it presently stands,
Chromium's policy prevents such redactions.

To help ensure everybody can participate, please avoid cross-posting, and
instead comment on the original.


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