On Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 8:29 AM, Gervase Markham <g...@mozilla.org> wrote:
> A question which occurred to me, and I thought I'd put before an
> audience of the wise:
> * What advantages, if any, do client certs have over number-sequence
>   widgets such as e.g. the HSBC Secure Key, used with SSL?
> http://www.hsbc.co.uk/1/2/customer-support/online-banking-security/secure-key
> It seems like they have numerous disadvantages (some subjective):
> * Client certs can be invisibly stolen if a machine is compromised
> * Client certs are harder to manage and reason about for an average
>   person
> * Client certs generally expire and need replacing, with no warning
> * Client certs are either single-machine, or need a probably-complex
>   copying process
> What are the advantages?

Going back to this thread because nobody seems to have addressed the
real issue - usability.

Right now I am working on email encryption but solving the usability
issues of email requires a general solution so I have worked on these
issues as well. And I think I have solved them.

Passwords have terrible security because they shift the cost to
someone who does not care about security of the asset because they
don't own it. I use the same password for my Washington Post, New York
Times, Slashdot, etc. accounts and it was leaked over five years ago.
I do not care because it isn't my asset involved. So the passwords get
forgotten and no password is better than the security of the recovery
system which is SMTP.

Passwords are also horribly insecure because they are disclosed to
validate them. Now we could solve this with some clever crypto scheme
but why bother when its actually easier to design a sensible PKI

Passwords also have pretty horrid usability. But they get away with it
because implementation of client certificates is really, really bad.

One time tokens are pretty horrid usability as well. You have to carry
the thing about with you. Which I won't do unless I am paid. So most
of those schemes are migrating into smart phones. TAAA-DAAA! We are
now emulating 1970s technology with a computer that would have been
supercomputer class in the 1990s.

There is a much better way to use a smartphone, send it a message that
asks "Do you want to pay your gas bill of $503.43?" and have the user
answer yes or no and the app return a signed message.

I am currently working on making S/MIME and PGP email really really
easy to use. As in no more effort to use than regular email. As part
of that I have written a tool that creates and installs a certificate.
For a self signed cert the process is just run the configurator tool
and its done. For a CA issued cert, the user will specify the domain
name of the CA and it is done. Not even email links to click on
because the configurator has control of their mail app and can do the
challenge/response automatically. [There are other validation schemes
supported but I won't go into them here]

What I have taken out is all the makework that the user currently has
to suffer. And this is not just bad for Thunderbird, it is poke the
user in the eye with a sharp stick bad. It literally takes a quarter
of an hour to go through all the incantations. And that is me doing
it, I know what I am doing. I would expect no more than 60% of users
to follow instructions correctly. And all the effort is complete
makework. The user has to pull the certificate out of the Windows
store and install it in T-bird. Oh and repeat once a year.

Client SSL certs are just as bad and in addition the use interface is
horrid like it is on every other browser.

The basic problem with most Internet crypto is that the implementation
is 'enterprise grade'. By which I mean terrible usability because the
person who decides what stuff to buy will never use it.

The problems don't require a usability lab to sort out either. In fact
DON'T go to the lab. If the user is being given work to do then the
design is wrong. I don't need to test out my configurator in the
usability lab because there isn't a user interface to test.

OK so how do we solve the usability issues Gerv raised?

* Certs expire after 1 year
* Transferring keys between devices?

Answer: We don't. Look again at the requirements. What are the use
cases that drive them? I can't see any driver for enterprise or
consumer deployments. I can't even see a need to do either in the
government case, but the first is probably inherited from NSA

First step to sanity is that authentication keys are only ever in one
machine. If a user has two machines then they have two keys. If they
have eight machines then they have eight keys. This solves two
problems, first the key transport problem, second a large chunk of the
revocation problem. If a device is lost we only need to affect one
device, not every device.

[Decryption keys are another matter, there are good reasons to have a
single decryption key in multiple devices. And the reason that I got
into the per device authentication keys in the first place was to
enable the migration scheme for decryption keys.]

So now we have a per machine certificate, how do we bind eight keys to
one account? Well in PKIX thats just a matter of eight certs.

What I am actually doing is a little more complicated though. I am
setting up a personal PKI hierarchy for each person. At the root of
the hierarchy is an offline 'life-long' master key (it can be rolled
but there is no predetermined expiry). Underneath that there is an
online cert signing key. So the first step to provision a device would
be to issue a cert for its authentication key.

That is not quite enough though, what if the device is lost? To
address this issue we either use an OCSP token or make the device
certs short lived and re-issue them monthly or whatever.

My goal is to achieve transparent usability for Internet security. I
am not tied to one particular approach or even a business model. PKI
is a useful technology, but I am actually using a lot of symmetric
key, Kerberos type approaches under the covers. I did not begin with
'how do we keep CAs' but giving the option to put services in the
cloud allows for a better consumer experience and as the success of
dropcam shows, given a cloud option, most users will take it as the
easy path.

The current status is that I have a lot of open source code and specs.
These are linked from prismproof.org.

I have the configurator running for Windows Live Mail and I will add
outlook soon. But I abandoned the attempt to do T-bird because I just
can't get the dev system running on my Windows box despite more than a
day trying. The documentation is incomplete and misses out references
to necessary tools to even build the library.

The error made in T-bird is that it ignores the fact that storing keys
is a platform concern. Platforms such as Windows and OSX have code and
in many cases hardware to protect keys. Applications should use them.
Even if they want to use their own crypto library, protecting the user
should always be first. It would not be very difficult to write a
driver that allows Thunderbird/Firefox to make use of keys stored in
an OS secure keystore and get the benefit of hardware protection.
Certainly a lot easier than writing platform specific drivers.

Which is a long winded way of saying that I can show people how to fix
the usability nightmare that client side certs are at present on the
mozilla platform but I can't to the work myself and putting the user
first might require a change in approach for the crypto stack.
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