On 30/03/15 16:34, Richard Barnes wrote:
> After some further thought on this issue, I would like to propose the
> following course of action:
> 1. Remove the CNNIC root certificates
> 2. (possibly) Temporarily add the CNNIC intermediate certificates

After consideration, I want to record two potential problems with this

1) It encourages bad practice, and arguably requires CNNIC to violate
the BRs. Both Mozilla (as a Potentially Problematic Practice) and the
BRs tell CAs not to issue certs directly from their embedded
certificates. The BRs has a whole section on this (section 12), which says:

"Root CA Private Keys MUST NOT be used to sign Certificates"

and then goes on to give a limited set of exceptions, none of which
apply to CNNIC issuing EE certs. What is a "Root CA"? According to the
BRs, it is "the top level Certification Authority whose Root Certificate
is distributed by Application Software Suppliers and that issues
Subordinate CA Certificates".

CNNIC's embedded intermediates, in this plan would meet the first half
of that definition, but not the second (due to the artificial pathLength
constraint). So you could argue this both ways in terms of the letter of
the law, but the fact remains that issuing directly from your embedded
certs is bad practice.

2) It subverts end-user choices. If the level of concern at their
inclusion is any guide, some end-users may well have configured their
trust store not to trust CNNIC's roots. If we remove those roots and add
the intermediates, AIUI those decisions will no longer be respected, and
those browsers will trust CNNIC certs again. Without meaning to, we will
have accidentally subverted user trust choices in a way which almost
perfectly restores trust in certs they have chosen not to trust, with no
notification and no side-effects.

This second issue concerns me particularly, given Mozilla's stance on
user sovereignty.

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