On Sat, May 16, 2015 4:45 pm, Eric Mill wrote:
>  Another factor is _why_ the government CA is applying to the trusted root
>  program. If the government CA only intends to issue certs for its own
>  properties, and its properties can reasonably be concluded to fall under a
>  clear name jurisdiction, then name constraints don't actually "constrain"
>  their business model. This avoids "slippery slope" concerns that might
>  lead
>  to constraining a commercial CA against their will.

Just to be explicit here - you're defining government CAs not as CAs
operated by a government, but CAs that tailor exclusively to a government.
That is, the "why" is just a definitional short-hand for how to declare
something as government vs non-government.

In the cases where the CA is already restricted in its name issuance (e.g.
"Government of Japan" claims to only issue for .go.jp domains, HARICA is
already name constrained, etc), there is nothing intrinsically wrong or
objectionable with encoding that in code.

However, I don't think that's the thrust of Gerv's message, because
Mozilla's happily been doing it for some time already. It's a question of
whether it's right to *require* such constraints, and when and how to
determine what those constraints are.

So that we can discuss concrete matters, rather than hypotheticals (which,
while useful, I think idealize things a bit too much)

CATCert - Issues to individuals and corporations, not just public sector.

ANSSI/DCSSI - Applies to government *and* administrative organizations of
France. No explicit name constraint in their administrative policies is
documented, although has been unilaterally imposed by browsers as a result
of misissuance.

Certizen - Applies not just to e-governence but also e-commerce
organizations in Asia (not just HK)

Government of Japan - Two roots (GPKI, LGPKI), only one included (GPKI)
because they failed to respond in a timely manner w/r/t LGPKI questions.
The GPKI root is "mostly" .go.jp, except evena t time of application, they
had non-.go.jp names (
). The policies themselves don't constraint them to .go.jp, AFAICT

Government of Spain (ACCV) - Operates as a public CA that caters to the
citizens (e.g. how identity validation is performed) *and* local

GRCA / Chungwa Telecom - Can't find any English version of their CP/CPS.
Their CP/CPS repository links to a revoked WebTrust seal (although they do
have a newer one), they lack a BR audit, etc. I haven't dug into the
Mozilla Salesforce to see actual details. From their original inclusion
request, and from the GRCA documentation, however, they're not exclusively
government sites.

PKIoverheid - Effectively a bridge CA (e.g. what Mozilla has so far
rejected from other countries, such as the US Government or that of
Brazil). PKIoverheid sets up the requirements for secondary CSPs, which it
then certifies and cross-signs. Per their CSP, they cater both to
government and businesses, and serve a Dutch community but not a Dutch

Kamu SM - Similar to ACCV, GRCA, Certizen; no explicit government-only scope

HARICA - Already self-constrained

CNNIC - 'nuff said.

So looking in that above list - the list Gerv proposed as those that may
fit one or more definitions of "government CA", there is only one that is
exclusively tied to a domain namespace (HARICA), and one "almost"
constrained to a domain namespace (Government of Japan). The rest are all
operated by government, but apply to individuals and corporations and not
just public sector.

>  If a government CA is applying in order to provide certificates for its
>  country's corporations or citizens, that's a more complicated issue.
>  Treating ccTLDs  (e.g. .in) as actually geographically bound, for the
>  purpose of a CA system, seems brittle and very much something that
>  *advances* the idea of the internet as geographically bound.

As the above list shows, this is by far and away the dominant reason. If
you further read the CP/CPSes/inclusion bugs (which I went through before
replying to this message), you will find that the primary justification
for why the government CA even exists is because the government wants to
set its standards for identity validation according to local customs,
mores, and laws. This is important later on in this message.

>  As described above, this is not always correct. In the case of a
>  government
>  asking for admittance to the root program for the intent of issuing
>  trusted
>  certs for its own organization, the government is not asking to "openly
>  participate" in the first place. They are asking to participate with a
>  closed set of domains, and name constraints can function to enforce that
>  closed participation.

As described above, you can see this is not the case in general,
especially not the case for the CAs that people are concerned about today.

>  In fact, such a name constraint in the root program would also *not*
>  require that government to prevent other commercial CAs to issue
>  certificates for a government suffix. (And, briefly offering my own work
>  perspective, as someone who configures .gov certificates from commercial
>  CAs, I would never desire this sort of limitation.)

You may not desire it, but as I described above, it's already the desire
of many of these governments' operating their CAs for precisely that.

Indeed, if you take the broader look at the policies of the governments
behind such CAs, you will often find that corporations will be enjoined to
use the chosen government CA (such as when it's a meta-CA, as with
PKIoverheid) or to use a CA that participates in the governments'
certification program.

Indeed, this is precisely why audit criteria like ETSI exist! Take a look
at India (required if handling taxpayer info to use an appropriately
certified CA) or Turkey (a roughly similar story).

That is, these government CAs exist not just to offer specialized services
for their citizenry, they exist to support the e-signature/e-commerce
regulations of the appropriate nationstates.

The logical implication of this is that if you can imagine a definition
where we say government CAs (those either operated directly by or under
the supervision of) a given state, like say India, would be constrained to
a namespace, such as .in, then *we're* (trust store maintainers, the
community at large) saying that commercial organizations that which to
perform those actions in India MUST use a .in domain (since they can't get
a cert from one of the CAs unless they do). And thus, naturally, have even
greater risk of interference by India (not to pick on India, it's just a
more familiar example a result of investigating India CCA)

I'm not concerned about such constraint policies *requiring* governments
from peventing other commercial CAs. They already do that. I'm worried
about it *enabling* even greater restrictions on an open Internet and that
governments' citizenry.

>  However, in cases where there is no ambiguity about whether the CA is a
>  government CA -- for example, a CA operated by public sector money in an
>  internationally recognized country who describes themselves as a
>  government
>  and who intends to issue for other unambiguously government entities --
>  there's not much of a subjective judgment call involved there.

Look through the examples Gerv noted, and you will see that while this is
a theoretical possibility for such entities, it is the exception, not the
rule, and thus doesn't answer the core question.

>  I believe you've described the ways in which name constraints can make
>  things worse *if* various other clearly definable things happen, such as:
>  commercial CAs being restrained,

Already happening

>  or a cert for a ccTLD only being issuable
>  by a particular CA,

Already possible today

>  or a government CA being restrained against their will
>  from issuing certificates for non-governmental entities.

The natural implication for the CAs initially suggested as "government CAs"

>  I think we can
>  discuss name constraining government CAs without invoking these scenarios.

As you can see above, they're all very real *today*, so I don't think we
can, nor do I think we should, since we have amble evidence about the
existing nuance in the system that we cannot ignore and must account for.

>  Name constraints are also a patch, and they provide a function not offered
>  by CT, PKP, BRs, or audits. When applied in a non-ambiguous, narrow way on
>  actors who clearly differ in the accountability and leverage that human
>  institutions can bring to bear on them, those name constraints make the CA
>  system and root program more flexible, not more brittle.

I understand and agree with you here - but I don't believe that's what is
under discussion here, because that definition has long been functioning
within Mozilla.

I say this because knowing Gerv, and having participated with him on the
call, I suspect that in part this is motivated by
https://cabforum.org/2015/04/16/2015-04-16-minutes/ , in which Microsoft
has suggested they'll require "government CAs" (definition not provided)
to be constrained (how not provided). The details of which are only
available under NDA with Microsoft.

Of course, that creates a variety of problems for public debate around the
issues, hence this thread here, which has also been renewed by other
discussions of constraining (or rejecting) government CAs in other fora.
So while I agree that a self-constrained (by law) government CA that
wishes technical constraints (or discloses their constraint) is a
non-issue for adding constraints, we do need to have the broader
discussion of "operated on or behalf of a government" and the implications
there, which are almost certainly unilaterally imposed rather than

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