On Thursday, March 3, 2016 at 9:20:07 AM UTC-8, Andrew Ayer wrote:
> It's also troubling that a CA may be allowed to continue issuing
> non-serverAuth certs with SHA-1 from an issuer that is also used for
> serverAuth certs.  Again, a collision attack could be used to forge a
> trusted serverAuth cert.
> I urge that this hole be fixed in both Mozilla policy and the BRs, not
> just by clarifying the cert/pre-cert equivalence, but also by forbidding
> an issuer that is trusted for serverAuth from signing _anything_ with
> SHA-1.

A resounding +1 to this. This goes back to the core goal - if a certificate has 
id-kp-serverAuth / is in scope for the BRs, the only way to make a reasonable 
argument about the cryptographic operations is if _everything_ issued by that 
CA is seen in scope.

This is not just a matter for SHA-1; consider an intermediate with 
id-kp-serverAuth and id-kp-emailProtection. If, in the issuance of S/MIME 
certificates, the CA leaves off the EKU from the leaf, and issues a commonName 
of "example.com", then that certificate - though intended for email - can now 
be used for TLS authentication. This is wholly independent of SHA-1 deprecation.

For this reason, I'm a strong supporter in mandating that the scope of 
Mozilla's policies - and, more importantly, the expectation of BR compliance - 
extends to include _all_ certificates issued from an intermediates capable of 
causing TLS certificate issuance, even if those leaves are not intended for TLS.
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