On 02/08/16 14:46, Peter Bowen wrote:
On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 5:11 AM, Nick Lamb <tialara...@gmail.com> wrote:
Rob, today I examined https://crt.sh/mozilla-disclosures because I was interested to see if the now 
expired signature from Symantec's "VeriSign Class 3 SSP Intermediate CA - G2" of 
"Federal Bridge CA 2013" had the expected effect.

I understand that traversing a network with known and potentially unknown loops in it is 
tricky to do correctly, so I am not sure whether the fact that a large number of "US 
Government" CAs are still listed as Unconstrained id-kp-serverAuth Trust reflects a 
problem with that traversal or a real, previously undetected trust relationship that I 
wasn't able to spot by eye.


I believe this to be a bug in crt.sh. I have a local copy of all the
cross-certificates and the US Federal PKI and subordinate CAs from
there do not appear in the current trust graph.


Nick, Peter,

I looked at https://crt.sh/mozilla-disclosures immediately after the Symantec cross-cert expired, and I was surprised to see no change. I was on holiday all last week, so I'm only just investigating it properly now.

I suspect crt.sh is getting confused by the combination of the expired Symantec cross-cert and the revoked Identrust cross-cert. If they'd both expired or both been revoked, I suspect this (presumed) bug would not have been discovered.

I'm going to try changing
  "Unconstrained, but all observed paths Revoked"
  "Unconstrained, but all unexpired observed paths Revoked"

Rob Stradling
Senior Research & Development Scientist
COMODO - Creating Trust Online

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