WoSign's official website stated that "For Free SSL Certificate, it support 20 
domain names for 3 years period" 
(https://buy.wosign.com/free/freeEmailcert.html). In order to identify possible 
backdated certs in the future, I suggest that WoSign/StartCom be mandated to 
upload all unexpired certs (especially those in 2014) to CT, so that we can 
have a complete list of domains. 

On Monday, September 26, 2016 at 7:21:13 AM UTC-7, Gervase Markham wrote:
> Today, Mozilla is publishing an additional document containing further
> research into the back-dating of SHA-1 certificates, in violation of the
> CAB Forum Baseline Requirements, to avoid browser blocks. It also
> contains some conclusions we have drawn from the recent investigations,
> and a proposal for discussion regarding the action that Mozilla's root
> program should take in response.
> Because this document is extensive and contains embedded images, links
> and formatting, I have published it on Google Docs instead of as an
> email message here:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1C6BlmbeQfn4a9zydVi2UvjBGv6szuSB4sMYUcVrR8vQ/edit
> However, this forum is the appropriate place for discussing it. Please
> feel free to cut and paste any parts you wish to quote and comment on.
> Gerv

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