On Tuesday, September 27, 2016 at 2:15:38 AM UTC-7, Gervase Markham wrote:
> On 26/09/16 15:20, Gervase Markham wrote:
> > However, this forum is the appropriate place for discussing it. Please
> > feel free to cut and paste any parts you wish to quote and comment on.
> Participants may be interested in this blog post from Tyro:
> https://tyro.com/blog/merchant-security-is-tyros-priority/
> Gerv

So this is almost proof that WoSign/StartCom has been intentionally back-dating 
certificates to avoid blocks on SHA-1 issuance in browsers. And when being 
specifically asked about those certs, WoSign/StartCom expressively attempted to 
deceive this community by saying all certs are normal. 

Based on this new evidence, do you think the statement "This distrust would 
remain for a minimum of 1 year. After that time, WoSign/StartCom may be 
readmitted to the Mozilla trust program, under the following conditions" should 
be updated to reflect this? 

I think Audit only works for a benign party with unintentional mistakes. The 
new evidence suggest WoSign/StartCom is almost hostile. 
If WoSign/StartCom willfully deceives auditors, changes the code between 
audits, intentionally malpractices outside of auditing period, I don't think 
audits are a safe-guard against them.
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