I agree that it probably is not worth dwelling on the "Andy Ligg question" in 
particular but I think there is a broader issue at play which is worth 
addressing: deception.

I think there is ample evidence that WoSign engaged in a deliberate, 
persistent, and extensive campaign of deception committed against many 
different parties within the PKI ecosystem. In some cases the deception was 
committed by Richard Wang himself while in other cases it's less clear if the 
perpetrator was Richard or someone under his supervision.

I'd like to see something included in the summary report, although I'm the 
first to admit I don't know how best to do that. It seems to me the level of 
deceptive activity here falls well outside the norm of something more innocent, 
like being coy to protect a company's proprietary information. I don't think 
we've seen anything like this from other CA representatives in this forum.

If someone reads the report without having also participated in these 
discussions it's possible that he or she will not appreciate the difficulty 
we've had at times in getting at the truth of what has transpired. In fact, I 
think we continue to struggle to understand the extent of damage committed 
precisely because of the deception.

Again, I'm not sure the best way to capture this whole idea but I think it's 
something that should not be left unsaid. 

  Original Message  
From: Gervase Markham
Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 5:45 AM
To: i...@matthijsmelissen.nl; mozilla-dev-security-pol...@lists.mozilla.org
Subject: Re: WoSign: updated report and discussion

I don't believe this aspect of things is worth spending time on. However:

On 10/10/16 09:44, i...@matthijsmelissen.nl wrote:
> On Saturday, October 8, 2016 at 8:18:09 AM UTC+2, uri...@gmail.com
> wrote:
>> Did anyone ever determine if "Andy Ligg" is in fact a real person? 
>> (As discussed here 
>> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/mozilla.dev.security.policy/0pqpLJ_lCJQ/7QRQ7oqGDwAJ
>> )
> I believe Andy Ligg is a pseudonym of Richard Wang.
> Have a look at this Bugzilla thread:
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=851435 At 2015-03-12
> 08:43:09, some information related to Wosign is posted on behalf of
> Andy Li. 

This Bugzilla account was created in November 2014, presumably in order
to file this bug:

The email address associated with it, as anyone with a Bugzilla account
can see, is wosign at outlook dot com. Therefore, the Andy Li in
Bugzilla (not the same name as Andy Ligg, of course) claims to be
connected to WoSign, and was so long before they acquired StartCom.

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