Gervase Markham <> wrote:

> On 18/11/16 01:43, Brian Smith wrote:
> > The fundamental problem is that web browsers accept certificates with
> > validity periods that are years long. If you want to have the agility to
> > fix things with an N month turnaround, reject certificates that are valid
> > for more than N months.
> That's all very well to say. The CAB Forum is deadlocked over a proposal
> to reduce the max validity of everything to 2 years + 3 months; some
> people like it because it removes a disadvantage of EV (which already
> has this limit), other's don't like it because people like not having to
> change their cert and are willing to pay for longer. Mozilla is in
> support, but without agreement, we can hardly implement unilaterally -
> the breakage would be vast.

Regardless, the main point of that message of mine was left out: You could
limit, in policy and in code, the acceptable lifetime of name-constrained
externally-operated sub-CAs and/or the end-entity certificates they issue
strictly, independently of whether it can be done for all certificates, and
doing so would be at least part of the solution to making name-constrained
externally-operated sub-CAs actually a viable alternative in the market.

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