On 12/05/17 09:18, Cory Benfield wrote:
> I try not to decide whether there is interest in features like this:
> if they’re easy I’d just implement them and let users decide if they
> want it. That’s what I’d be inclined to do here. If Mozilla added
> such a flag, I’d definitely be open to adding an extra certifi
> bundle. Certifi currently already ships with two bundles (one
> labelled “weak”, which includes 1024-bit roots to work around
> problems with older OpenSSLs), so we could easily add a third called
> “strong” or “pedantic” or “I hate CAs” or something that removes any
> CA that is subject to graduated trust in Firefox.

If people actually care enough to make a root store choice, should we be
encouraging them instead to use a store containing only the CA they care
about for the connection they are making (and perhaps a backup)? In
other words, is some sort of easy-to-use root store filtering/splitting
tool a better solution to this issue?

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