On Tue, May 16, 2017 at 1:59 PM, Peter Bowen via dev-security-policy <
dev-security-policy@lists.mozilla.org> wrote:

> On Tue, May 16, 2017 at 10:52 AM, Jakob Bohm via dev-security-policy
> <dev-security-policy@lists.mozilla.org> wrote:
> > On 16/05/2017 19:36, Peter Bowen wrote:
> >>
> >> My experience is that Mozilla is very open to taking patches and will
> >> help contributors get things into acceptable form, so I'm sure they
> >> would be happy to take patches if there is demand for such.  It is
> >> fairly important that someone who is going to use the attributes put
> >> together the patch, otherwise it may prove to be useless.  For
> >> example, I could easily create a patch that add a CKA_TRUST_FILTER
> >> attribute that is designed to be fed into a case statement to indicate
> >> the filter to be applied.  Based on the code, it looks like I probably
> >> needs a "cnnic" case, a "wosign" case, and a "globalsignr2" case.
> >> This meets my needs, but it might not need your needs.
> >>
> >
> > Ok, can you point me to any "graduated trust" actually present in
> > certdata.txt ?
> CKO_NSS_TRUST class objects.  They all represent non-binary trust of
> roots, similar to that contained in the OpenSSL X509_AUX structure
> mentioned much earlier in the thread.

And as for other forms of restriction, it has already been mentioned :

You can see an example of implementing this in

One aspect that is no doubt non-obvious, but important to note, is that
Mozilla NSS using applications are permitted to ship with alternative trust
stores, since the trust store is dynamically loaded (certdata.txt is fed to
certdata.c , which is then part of nssckbi.[dll/so], which is dynamically
loaded by NSS)

You can see this being used by applications such as p11-kit, which provide
alternative 'nssckbi's which then allow for more complex root store

Because of this, when Mozilla responds to a security incident, or needs to
constrain something, they want to ensure that constraint is uniformly
applied - e.g. regardless of the (independent) root store update. Hence the
implementation within the application layer, which guarantees that
_regardless of the basis of trust_, the constraint is applied.

This is one way to do it. It's different than how Microsoft does it, which
expresses the constraints in authroot.stl, but the implementation of those
constraints in crypt32.dll (or related). In the Microsoft case, unless you
update *both* the root store and the crypt32, you don't get the security
update. Perhaps unsurprisingly, this is a common occurrence - in part,
because fetching authroot.stl can use a different network or application
code path than fetching the Windows Updates for crypt32.dll.
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