On 01/06/17 13:45, Ryan Sleevi wrote:
> The reason why I don't think it's a valid reasoning is that if we accept
> that this provision in the policy could be read to cover such emails, then
> we're implicitly agreeing that the act of clicking that email is performing
> a validation function pursuant to of the Baseline Requirements.

Well, yes, probably. This text is in the Mozilla policy and the above is
in the Baseline Requirements, but I can see how this logic works.

> Ergo, every customer of that CA who uses that method is acting as a
> Delegated Third Party, performing the validation functions of -
> since, by logical extension, they're performing the validation function of
> on their account - and all the attendant mess that it entails.

That's a good point.

Perhaps this leads to the solution? We say:

"enforce multi-factor authentication for all accounts capable of causing
certificate issuance or performing RA or DTP functions as defined by the
Baseline Requirements"



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