On Wednesday, June 28, 2017 at 5:29:19 PM UTC-4, Gervase Markham wrote:
> Well, the fact that we now use Git, I suspect, means anyone could plug
> in a modern CI tool that did "Oh, you changed file X. Let me regenerate
> file Y and check it in alongside". Without really needing anyone's
> permission beyond checkin access.

I don't believe the state of NSS infrastructure is well-placed to support that 
claim. I'd be curious for Kai's/Red Hat's feedback.

> Well, I don't do the actual maintenance of certdata.txt, but I assume
> (perhaps without evidence) that telling whoever does that "hey, you now
> need to use this tool to edit the canonical information store, instead
> of the text editor you have been using" might not go down well. It
> wouldn't if it were me.

It already (effectively) requires a tool to make sure it's done right, AIUI :)

But I think you're still conflating "text" vs "human readable", and I'm not 
sure that they represent equivalents. That is, "human readable" introduces a 
subjective element that can easily lead to ratholes about whether or not 
something is "readable enough", or coming up with sufficient ontologies so that 
it can "logically map" - just look at XML for the case study in this.

You can have a JSON file, but that doesn't mean it's human-readable in the 

That's why I'm pushing very hard on that.

> No, because NSS consumers could choose to continue consuming the
> (autogenerated by the CI tool) certdata.txt.

The CI tools don't check in artifacts. You're proposing giving some piece of 
infrastructure the access to generate and check in files? I believe Mozilla may 
do that, but NSS does not, and the infrastructure is separately maintained.

> You want me to rank my goals in order of preference? :-)

Moreso be more explicit in the goals. It's trying to figure out how 'much' 
interoperability is being targeted here :)

> If Apple said "we are happy to use the MS format", I guess the next
> thing I would do is find Kai or whoever maintains certdata.txt and say
> "hey, it's not ideal, but what do you think, for the sake of everyone
> using the same thing?".

Thought experiment: Why not have certdata.txt generate a CI artifact that 
interoperates for other consumers to use?

Which is all still a facet of the original question: Trying to determine what 
your goals are / what the 'necessary' vs 'nice to have' features are :)

> It's not a massive improvement if we are the only group using it. I
> think there is value to Mozilla even if MS and Apple don't get on board,
> because our root store gets more descriptive of reality, but that value
> alone might not be enough to convince someone like the two people who
> have expressed interest thusfar to take the time to work on the spec. I
> don't know.

But why doesn't certdata.txt meet that already, then? It's a useful thought 
experiment to find out what you see the delta as, so that we can understand 
what are and are not acceptable solutions.

> Mozilla's opinions on roots are defined by the sum total of:
> 1) certdata.txt
> 2) ExtendedValidation.cpp
> 3) The changes listed on
> https://wiki.mozilla.org/CA/Additional_Trust_Changes

1 & 2 for sure. I don't believe #3 can or should be, certainly not effectively 
maintained. Certainly, Google cannot and would not be able to find an 
acceptable solution on #3, just looking at things like CT, without introducing 
otherwise meaningless ontologies such as "Follows implementation #37 for this 

(Which, for what it's worth, is what Microsoft does with the authroot.stl, 
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