Ryan Sleevi via dev-security-policy <dev-security-policy@lists.mozilla.org> 

>>Pragmatically, does anything known break on the extra byte there?
>Yes. NSS does. Because NSS properly implements 5280.

I would say that's probably more a flaw in NSS then.  Does anyone's
implementation seriously expect things to work, and by extension break if they
don't, as 5280 says it should?  What happens to NSS if it sees a policy
explicitText longer than 200 bytes?  If it sees a CRL with an unknown critical
extension?  If it sees a CRL with one of the extensions where you ignore the
actual contents of the CRL and instead use revocation information hidden in a
sub-extension (sorry, can't remember the name of that one at the moment).

That's just the first few things that came to mind, there are a million (well,
thousands.  OK, maybe hundreds.  At least a dozen) bizarre, arbitrary, and
often illogical requirements (for example with the critical extension thing
the only sensible action is to do the opposite of what the RFC says) in 5280
that I'm pretty sure NSS, and probably most other implementations as well,
don't conform to, or are even aware of.  So saying "it happens to break our
code" is a perfectly valid response, but claiming better standards conformance
than everyone else is venturing onto thin ice.

More generally, I don't think there's any PKI implementation that can claim to
"properly implement 5280" because there's just too much weird stuff in there
for anyone to fully comprehend and be conformant to.  As a corollary, since
there are also things in there that are illogical, a hypothetical
implementation that really was fully conformant could be regarded as broken
when it does things that the spec requires but that no-one would expect an
implementation to do.

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